Alumni said:
I speak for what is true and I dont mind being Hated for speaking the truth. The truth hurts and I know it does. My bad not everyone in Superior is a d-rider but a good amount of d-riding has taken place. Also who chose you to be the one that can tell who is HQ and LQ. This group is faulty, just like the the previous Superior group was up. I do not mind that I am not apart of it but I know the best group on Forumkorner was Hardcore. That group didn't matter about reputation and how your threads looked. It was about a common hobby that we all shared and that was playing video games. Some of the best members on this site don't have 800+ rep and 1000+ posts.
You don't speak "the truth". You speak your opinion.
Everything you said, all based on opinion. All from personal preference.
Nobody can determine which group is better or worse than another either, everyone has their own point of views on each group.
But, in this case, it's better to keep your mouth shut than to shit-talk about a group that you obviously care about enough to post on.