New member( Hopefully i can help you)

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Hey guys im a new member and my friend showed me about this site because i have been talking to him about selling my GT: GFX and Edits.

He told me about this site and maybe i could sell a couple og gts i have:)

Thanks guys for having me and i hope i make plenty of friends on here!
hajahmz said:
Hello and welcome :) What GT's do you have for sale?

So far, Banana Peeling and Permanent Pen, and Latino Women

Ill post some screen shots in a bit, Im gathering the gts
and I thinking about my GFX and Edits
Just a heads up, people on this forum don't consider that oG. Your tags are more semi-oG.
Zen said:
Just a heads up, people on this forum don't consider that oG. Your tags are more semi-oG.

Alright thanks for the heads up, What would be considered og?
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