new to PKing


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What should I bring the wildy?

60 attack
93 strength
1 defense
840 HP
83 mage (not done DT)
80 range (100 rune bolts or someshit?)
15 prayer (will get to 25 before I go so I can protect claws)

Max I'm risking is 100-200k. I'm new and I WILL die.
Are you going to be doing single or multi-team?
NickVsYou said:
For now just bring a d scim + claws, you shouldn't hybrid your first time.

0 quests done. Not doing fucking monkey madness. Even on my main I refuse to ever do anything to do with that quest (even though I've done it, I won't wear the scim) because I wasted 2 days doing that FUCKING QUEST IT'S A PEACE OF BULLSHIT!

Also I was ranging + meleeing in dual arena, I was pwning ancient magics + level 95s (my combat = 71)

Dykerosoft said:
Are you going to be doing single or multi-team?

tbh for a first timer i really Suggest Team Pking, with a low risk ( YOU REALLY NEED TO DO LOST CITY AT LEAST, Get dds if you can ) and get some "TRUSTWORTHY" members who wont bs you and while they attack however they attack you dds, that way you get experience and learn the basics :D
Mr Elite said:
tbh for a first timer i really Suggest Team Pking, with a low risk ( YOU REALLY NEED TO DO LOST CITY AT LEAST, Get dds if you can ) and get some "TRUSTWORTHY" members who wont bs you and while they attack however they attack you dds, that way you get experience and learn the basics :D

Sorry, errm. Last time I checked claws > DDS? Low risk = 25 prayer + 100k risk? Yeah, errm... thanks?
i mean, if you dont have 25 prayer already :) - anyways claws even better, use primary Range or Mage and then use Claws as a Switch
Mr Elite said:
i mean, if you dont have 25 prayer already :) - anyways claws even better, use primary Range or Mage and then use Claws as a Switch

Which is what I said in the OP but no one is giving me a invent/gear that costs under 200k.
Super Str, Super Attack, Varroc Teletab, Rocktails, (Range or Mage potion) - Runes, other weapons Eg - Claws

ROCKTAILS IF YOU can afford, they heal 120 + i think, if i eat with 550 hp i get 620hp even tho my Max hp is 55 lol :p
Mr Elite said:
Super Str, Super Attack, Varroc Teletab, Rocktails, (Range or Mage potion) - Runes, other weapons Eg - Claws

ROCKTAILS IF YOU can afford, they heal 120 + i think, if i eat with 550 hp i get 620hp even tho my Max hp is 55 lol :p

Range or strength ammy?

What level are you? I would say come pk with me and some other people, but we play high-risk.
i suggest Ring of Life :) it will save you and tp you Home if your under 10% hp :D also i guess Str or Power, and isnt 50 bolts too much? i really suggest about 25
Dykerosoft said:
What level are you? I would say come pk with me and some other people, but we play high-risk.

Meh, maybe some time once I've learnt to PK. I don't want to go risking shit when I have no idea what I'm doing/not even finished my pure.

Mr Elite said:
i suggest Ring of Life :) it will save you and tp you Home if your under 10% hp :D also i guess Str or Power, and isnt 50 bolts too much? i really suggest about 25

Dude. Come on MSN so I can tell you every move I'm making just to piss you off?

Thanks ;)
Automatic Coding said:

why, what's wrong with that?

nothing whatsoever, everyone learns some way. I suggest getting used to it on a rsps... but mechanics are never the same.
You'll get the hang of it eventually man.
Just don't make a mistake and lose your claws!