new to PKing

PedoBear said:
You'll get the hang of it eventually man.
Just don't make a mistake and lose your claws!

I almost did. I got rushed down to 68 HP (6.8 real HP) before I could pray. I TPed + prayed =3

I need to set up the macros for my mouse so it clicks shit for me, that's what my mouse was advertised for but I've never used it O_O

NickVsYou said:
Most people start off main pking, get bored of their mains and make pures. That's usually how it goes.

I'm not gonna get pressured into doing that. Stupid peer-pressure.
umm low 25 prayer and taking claws? i garentee you will get smited for them and then you will make another thread.
Famoushope said:
umm low 25 prayer and taking claws? i garentee you will get smited for them and then you will make another thread.

read my first post.

"I'll be getting 25 before going".

Atleast I think I wrote that, to lazy to check.
Automatic Coding said:
Range or strength ammy?


Get leather body instead...and magic short bow with rune arrows instead, and use strength amulet. And bring 2 ring of recoils (1 in invi and another wearing, and you want 2 incase one breaks)
Suidacra1337 said:
yes automatic he knows that but he means you will be smithed to 0 prayer very fast then and you will eventually still lose your claws xD

I brought a prayer pot o_O
use a glory and rune bolts and pretty useless bring d bolts(e) or diamond bolts(e)
Automatic Coding said:
I brought a prayer pot o_O

So, you're 840hp but you'll only have 25 prayer? I garuantee that you'll be smited out for your claws. You'll tab and try to pot at the same time after 2nd dclaw spec, the pot sip won't register and you'll end up getting smited.
Abyssalis said:
So, you're 840hp but you'll only have 25 prayer? I garuantee that you'll be smited out for your claws. You'll tab and try to pot at the same time after 2nd dclaw spec, the pot sip won't register and you'll end up getting smited.


Thanks for warning me, though, I've PKed for like 5 hours total now and not happened yet.
Jeez you seriously have no idea what you're doing. I'm going to assume this is 100% botted. Get some quests done bro. Get 31 or 44 prayer. Use magic shortbow and dds to start learning how to pk, then bring in claws/maul/rune cbow/hybrids once you get good. I'd suggest mostly sharks, a couple rocktails, and a phoenix neck if you're risking a lot.