new to PKing


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What should I bring the wildy?

60 attack
93 strength
1 defense
840 HP
83 mage (not done DT)
80 range (100 rune bolts or someshit?)
15 prayer (will get to 25 before I go so I can protect claws)

Max I'm risking is 100-200k. I'm new and I WILL die.
NickVsYou said:
For now just bring a d scim + claws, you shouldn't hybrid your first time.

0 quests done. Not doing fucking monkey madness. Even on my main I refuse to ever do anything to do with that quest (even though I've done it, I won't wear the scim) because I wasted 2 days doing that FUCKING QUEST IT'S A PEACE OF BULLSHIT!

Also I was ranging + meleeing in dual arena, I was pwning ancient magics + level 95s (my combat = 71)

Dykerosoft said:
Are you going to be doing single or multi-team?

tbh for a first timer i really Suggest Team Pking, with a low risk ( YOU REALLY NEED TO DO LOST CITY AT LEAST, Get dds if you can ) and get some "TRUSTWORTHY" members who wont bs you and while they attack however they attack you dds, that way you get experience and learn the basics

Sorry, errm. Last time I checked claws > DDS? Low risk = 25 prayer + 100k risk? Yeah, errm... thanks?
i mean, if you dont have 25 prayer already - anyways claws even better, use primary Range or Mage and then use Claws as a Switch
Mr Elite said:
i mean, if you dont have 25 prayer already - anyways claws even better, use primary Range or Mage and then use Claws as a Switch

Which is what I said in the OP but no one is giving me a invent/gear that costs under 200k.
Super Str, Super Attack, Varroc Teletab, Rocktails, (Range or Mage potion) - Runes, other weapons Eg - Claws

ROCKTAILS IF YOU can afford, they heal 120 + i think, if i eat with 550 hp i get 620hp even tho my Max hp is 55 lol
Mr Elite said:
Super Str, Super Attack, Varroc Teletab, Rocktails, (Range or Mage potion) - Runes, other weapons Eg - Claws

ROCKTAILS IF YOU can afford, they heal 120 + i think, if i eat with 550 hp i get 620hp even tho my Max hp is 55 lol

Range or strength ammy?

What level are you? I would say come pk with me and some other people, but we play high-risk.
i suggest Ring of Life it will save you and tp you Home if your under 10% hp also i guess Str or Power, and isnt 50 bolts too much? i really suggest about 25
Dykerosoft said:
What level are you? I would say come pk with me and some other people, but we play high-risk.

Meh, maybe some time once I've learnt to PK. I don't want to go risking shit when I have no idea what I'm doing/not even finished my pure.

Mr Elite said:
i suggest Ring of Life it will save you and tp you Home if your under 10% hp also i guess Str or Power, and isnt 50 bolts too much? i really suggest about 25

Dude. Come on MSN so I can tell you every move I'm making just to piss you off?

Automatic Coding said:

why, what's wrong with that?

nothing whatsoever, everyone learns some way. I suggest getting used to it on a rsps... but mechanics are never the same.
You'll get the hang of it eventually man.
Just don't make a mistake and lose your claws!
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