Nice Clean GT Appraisal! Need help


The GT is "C ust*m" and it's main account and very secured. It has gold etc.
Proof you own it etc if this is the case then it's worth maybe 15 to 20
I would appraise this between $80-$115 depending on the amount of consoles it has.
ATTACH said:
@Petrify You are joking right? $15 to $20 lmao
If it's spaced out like that iDk anyone who would want to use that lol for more than 20
I'm going to bump this. I need more appraisals this account has been secure for more than year it's a main account so it has a lot on it.
How many consoles does this have?

Tenure? Stats?

I might be interested actually
ATTACH said:
I'm going to bump this. I need more appraisals this account has been secure for more than year it's a main account so it has a lot on it.
is the account spelld as shown including space? id buy this
@AK47u Yes. @Package I have had this account for over a year now it's secure af. And it has many stats I'll make a thread now.
Ak47u said:
C ustom  ? shown like that ?? /25chars

@Color , please give this user 20% warning level for character evading