Nice GT for Sale or Trade!


I am selling my main GT or trading it. If I sell it I want at least 1600 points and if I trade I only want to give you the GT and not the profile. Here is what I had in mind.

1. You buy the profile for at least 1600 and I give you sign in info.
2. You pay 800 for my GT change and you get the tag.

If you want we can do it live on Skype and talk to each other while I change my tag. The GT is Despize so know it isn't worth much. Here are the stats:

9697 G
10 MSP (Can add 100 more if you want)

I also have a couple of games on demand:
Borderlands, Minecraft, Doom II, CoD: WaW, Dead Island, Nexuiz, and a few more games. If you are interested email me or send me a private message so nobody knows when or if anything is happening.

The highlighted parts are some of my games (The most I can fit on the page, I can prove it in a Skype call if we screen-share.) I also highlighted the amount of MSP. You can also see my gamerscore.

(I can't post the image for some reason, here is a link to the image)
Too bad no one would pay you 10$ for a word that's spelled wrong. The profile will easily get you 1600 msp though.
Hat said:
Too bad no one would pay you 10$ for a word that's spelled wrong. The profile will easily get you 1600 msp though.
Do you think I should charge a bit more for the account?
Do you have aim? Hmu on aim, or get 10 posts and we'll talk. Awesome.