Nicest Banned Tags on FK


User is banned.
I've had these for a while now and I'm not too sure there will ever be an unban method and if it will ever become public. So, I'm looking to sell these. Don't lowball me, I know what these are worth. I'm not stupid nor am I new to the gamertag scene.

  • E******** -$45.00
    Hint: Darwin's theory.
  • C******* -$45.00
    Hint: Major religion.

These gamertags are $45 each or you can buy both of them for $75.00.

How much do you want for the first one? Send me a private message.
Please message me about the first 2.
Damn lol Evolution has got around. I gave this away to @Tupac like 2 years ago.
Nice tags, but on a better note who the FUCK is that in your sig? Got damn.
Brian said:
Nice tags, but on a better note who the FUCK is that in your sig? Got damn.
Her name is Kate Owen. She's gorgeous.
Sinclair said:
I've had these for a while now and I'm not too sure there will ever be an unban method and if it will ever become public. So, I'm looking to sell these. Don't lowball me, I know what these are worth. I'm not stupid nor am I new to the gamertag scene.

  • E********
    Hint: Darwin's theory.
  • C*******
    Hint: Major religion.
  • I * *
    Hint: Condition of roads that have ice on them.

Oh snap I sold that first one quite some time ago now for $40. I bought it for 40 like a couple months before that. Those are some nice banned tags man glws
Sinclair said:
I've had these for a while now and I'm not too sure there will ever be an unban method and if it will ever become public. So, I'm looking to sell these. Don't lowball me, I know what these are worth. I'm not stupid nor am I new to the gamertag scene.

  • E******** -$45.00
    Hint: Darwin's theory.
  • C******* -$45.00
    Hint: Major religion.

These gamertags are $45 each or you can buy both of them for $75.00.

I have a friend online who can unban banned tags. I dont know their method, he own around a dozen modded consoles with custom firmware, he wont do it for free but if you offer him money he might. He unbanned one of my tags for me, it wasnt OG but had a lot of game stats I didn't want to lose. Send him a message on XBL. He recently got banned on this console and I cant tell you his new one, but he checks text messages every couple days. His Gamertag: Puggy Runs Halo