* No Longer Staff *

Sorry you had to step down hopefully you find what you're looking to achieve. -Pun
We never really talked but I noticed you were a great, friendly Staff. Hope to see you around Poe.
I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say thank you for everything you've contributed. Goodluck on journey for regularity, and I'm sure we'll see you around for awhile.

Can I get staff lol hope you dont leave the site completely
Don't know much about any of you on this site, but it's always bittersweet to see someone leave their position as staff member. Hopefully someone who can be trusted and has the capabilities to fulfill your role may be chosen!

Enjoy yourself out of the community and see you soon, take care.
Sad to see you go as well, bro. Best wishes.
Wow @Poe I never thought this day would come. It's sad to see you off the team.

Thank you for all the help you've done for the forum.
Sad to see you leave the team Poe! You were and always will be a great addition to the staff team!

I wish you good luck to whatever comes your way in the near future! :)
We haven't really talked since you were Bend, and when you sent me that pizza. :3
I might have to hook you up with one. :p

Are you leaving the site or only the forum team?