No sythe fags

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I will speak on behalf of all the sythe members that have joined. Most of them are here to have fun and all they do is post in the spam forum. I don't know why you care so much because after all, it is THE SPAMMING & TROLLING SECTION. They're not here to flood market threads or serious threads with constant spam, just the place where it is allowed: The Spam Forum. On Sythe, most of these users posted in the spam forum almost religiously, including myself. They are all really great guys, and if you will get to know them, I think you will learn to not only tolerate them, but also to start liking them. These guys are not a threat to the community at all. They are all legit, high quality users outside of the spam forum that would go out of their way to help a friend any day. If you are truly bothered by their posts, I would suggest ignoring them. It's really that simple. I'm currently working on some ideas to get a few community events going. After all, this is Forum Korner: One family, one community. Maybe getting to know users through community events will allow people from both sides to obtain a more respectful appreciation for each other, as we are all part of this community. That's all for now. Happy Holidays FK!

Next person I see making ignorant threads like this about sythe will get a nice long ban.
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