Flame said:Award Requesting:
Why you deserve to receive this award:I dont usually watch my grammer, but it's always perfect.
- Grammer Freak.
Evidence to your contributions: Past Post: http://www.forumkorner.com/thread-22137-post-134253.html#pid134253 AND http://www.forumkorner.com/thread-21969-post-134252.html#pid134252
With only 14 post, I say your far from getting that award.Flame said:Award Requesting:
Why you deserve to receive this award:I dont usually watch my grammer, but it's always perfect.
- Grammer Freak.
Evidence to your contributions: Past Post: http://www.forumkorner.com/thread-22137-post-134253.html#pid134253 AND http://www.forumkorner.com/thread-21969-post-134252.html#pid134252
Skunk said:You spelled grammar wrong. That proves you aren't a grammar freak
Fade said:Award(s) Requesting:
Why you deserve to receive this award: I play a lot of games, i mean A LOT, and i am pretty freaking good at it & Grammar freak because i like my post/threads to look nice and professional.
- Gamer & Grammar Freak
Reaper said:One a month, read OP.
Apock said:Award Requesting: Gamer
Why you deserve to receive this award: Halo Reach addict. Co Black Ops addict. The stats will prove the award.
- Gamer award.
Evidence to your contributions: Inheritor in Halo Reach. 15th prestige on multiple accounts on Co Black Ops, #1 account in Halo 3 with no social games. #1 EXP in MLG in Halo 3. #1 most Mythic Brawl EXP in Halo 3. #1 in Halo 3 on Halotracker.com. Need I say more?
But you boost you're not legit GTFO