O** v O**

I'm a scammer? Please some admin ban/ suspend this user. Never did anything wrong, and yet threads get bashed. Also, reason being for the cheapness, got these all for free, and don't want Semis anymore, so call me sketchky kid, they are nicer tags than you have so Fuck you loser. Everyone else, thanks for the feed back on the tag! :)
Shrooms said:
I'm a scammer? Please some admin ban/ suspend this user. Never did anything wrong, and yet threads get bashed. Also, reason being for the cheapness, got these all for free, and don't want Semis anymore, so call me sketchky kid, they are nicer tags than you have so Fuck you loser. Everyone else, thanks for the feed back on the tag! :)

Hes not a scammer
He sold me a tag.
K** M* A**

Shrooms is legit!
The user is a scammer I have been scammed by the same guy who Owns these tags.
I love how this user keeps changing his name because he's scamming people for codes... sad.

This user is not a scammer. He is legit. Don't hesitate to deal with him. He has my vouch