Some person living life with a lot of pleasure and enjoyment due to their richness and spend money lavishly, on the other hand some poor persons are struggling a lot for their next time meal. They are searching a lot of ways to get their meal and struggling a lot to earn money for their basic needs. Some child are very lucky to born with a silver spoon, they don't know about the poverty. On the other hand some children are born in poverty and struggle a lot for their basic needs.
In my opinion the rich people will come forward to spend some of their money for this kind of people who are living in the poverty. Lot of rich people spending their money lavishly like conducting parties, having meals in star hotels and so on. If they use this money to offer food to a poor children, surely the children will wish them a lot and they will get a lot of satisfaction with their activity, surely the parties and dinning out don't give this kind of satisfaction to them.
In my opinion the rich people will come forward to spend some of their money for this kind of people who are living in the poverty. Lot of rich people spending their money lavishly like conducting parties, having meals in star hotels and so on. If they use this money to offer food to a poor children, surely the children will wish them a lot and they will get a lot of satisfaction with their activity, surely the parties and dinning out don't give this kind of satisfaction to them.