Official FK posting contest!

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Jesus Kyle, Thats likes poop! :D Congrats
Kyle said:
a Few months ago, while in a Skype with Christy & Ocean I had the most. (670).

no way you have 670 thats insane bro holy poop .;)
Secluded said:
I Know, how many thread did you grave dig? Also did you welcome every member to fk ;)

Right that sounds like he was on the site for a whole day straight lol
When I was Staff, there was a bug in the staff system and it gace me an extra 300 posts. I made legit 370 and when I did my section it gave like 4000, but deleted.
Well good luck to all members in this doubt I will even come close
Kyle said:
When I was Staff, there was a bug in the staff system and it gace me an extra 300 posts. I made legit 370 and when I did my section it gave like 4000, but deleted.

Thats more like it and nice User title ;) CTFU!
I am Nice, just not too people who are complete wankers.
This has to be drawing to a close soon. Congratulations to whomever wins, hopefully it won't be due to spam or useless posts, but I'd say Philly would check for that.
Raptor said:
This has to be drawing to a close soon. Congratulations to whomever wins, hopefully it won't be due to spam or useless posts, but I'd say Philly would check for that.

Yeah I hope I win I think I'm in the lead if he's dQed. and I haven't been warned like J G.
So who wins this one? And how much time is left?
idk he has to pick might take him awhile to decide.
TIGEЯ said:
idk he has to pick might take him awhile to decide.

Well I hope he pick the person with the most HQ posts in the contest :/
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