Official ForumKorner Halloween 2014 Award

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Ill post my Halloween candy tomorrow going trick or treating lol.
Haha ima football player and im not fat. (; @wall can vouch.
Philly said:

To obtain this award you must show off either your costume which will be worn by you within a picture, or you may take a picture of your candy stash you receive on Halloween. You must post your picture within this thread private messaged images will not count!

If you do not dress up, nor obtain candy on Halloween or simply are shy there is another way to get the award this year by simply taking advantage of one of the many Halloween discounts being offered right now which is located in the following thread:

Any requests for this award after Halloween 2014 will be declined, so act fast.

So I am a wrestler irl and I used to wrestle for Florida's national team, so now I decided I would just be a wrestler for halloween...

well I told you that I went a day early, here is proof.


@Philly do I get these awards now?
Philly ma nillli I just donated the money for those two awards and donated!!! Let me know when I get it!
Here is some of my stash for halloween, will be going out again in a bit. Thanks for the award Philly.

I'll take the award. Got this a little early but whatever.

Thanks @philly for the award when you grant it! :)

second post considering its halloween today, not yesterday.

Thanks for the offer. I'm not a kid, so I don't trick-or-treat lol.
Philly said:

To obtain this award you must show off either your costume which will be worn by you within a picture, or you may take a picture of your candy stash you receive on Halloween. You must post your picture within this thread private messaged images will not count!

If you do not dress up, nor obtain candy on Halloween or simply are shy there is another way to get the award this year by simply taking advantage of one of the many Halloween discounts being offered right now which is located in the following thread:

Any requests for this award after Halloween 2014 will be declined, so act fast.

So I can't really "prove" that this is me, so I guess @"Darth Vader" and @ACR can vouch that it's me since they've seen me... My buddy and I wore these today at school, got in some deep shit for it though... I'm in the white singlet lmao
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