Official ForumKorner Halloween 2014 Award

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Alright since this is a special award, I also got myself some mcdonalds. Mcdonalds and candy will give me diabeetus for sure. Hope you like it Philly lol.


I can vouch that this is Braden aka @Divinitive

Only way I can prove this is by his wiener it see it all the time.
I got my candy!!!​
Please let me know if I get the Halloween award or not! Thanks.​
Hey guys!
Happy Halloween!

I only went to a couple houses after a party.
Here is my candy stash!

TRUST said:
Are you suckle on IG?

Phillius, still waiting on the award.

ew, no. I'm @pohtatoes ; I don't buy instas, or any OG for that matter.
fuck her right in the pussy

i'm only 14 btw
Here is my mask. Hopefully you guys like it.
Edit: The attachment disappeared. One moment.

The picture may look weird, that is only because I originally took it on my phone. But, it wouldn't save so I had to take a picture of the picture on my phone with my webcam.
Took it in the mirror and it flipped the sign but you get the idea.
This will be closing in an hour and a half. At that time everyone eligible will be granted the Halloween 2014 award.

I hope this enough for the award! I got a ton of candy and was called a "rowdy teenager"
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