Philly said:
Yeah I have been super busy the past couple days, hopefully I will have a contests & Giveaway mod soon to assist me with all the contests I hold. Either way this is basically over anyways.
Keep submitting those damn Verified application if anyone is truly interested in being apart of the team.
I would submit one, but i'm afraid I wouldn't be of much help haha.. as I'm at university or work for half the day so I only browse/post during about a five hour period every day.
I will try to remember to write up that application for Verified sometime, I'm just a bit apprehensive because If I was framed (I don't deal much) like I've heard of happening.. I wouldn't want the local authorities on me. I've already had twice where my poor internet cut off during a deal, and almost got reported..
Sorry if I'm rambling on a bit, I'm on my phone atm.
Cheers, and thanks for the giveaway!