[Official] The end of the world starts here...

Was so happy about the invite. @liquids @agony

But then I seen @voices
The Host said:
Was so happy about the invite. @liquids @agony

But then I seen @voices
Oh boyy.

Don't get along? Well thank God we don't have a subforum.
Everyone in Apocalypse will be receiving an exclusive award soon. Stay tuned.
@voices @the host @agony @liquids @tequila
- The Apocalypse - Short n Sweet -

I will be inviting a total of four people to Apocalypse. Disregarding myself and @tequila . The four chosen via invite only will be considered the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Corny, I know, but that's how my group will be exclusive. If chosen, and you fail to wear the userbar as often as possible, you'll be kicked. If you go inactive for more than 3-4 days, and I notice (cause when I'm out to sea, you'll probably get away with it) you'll be kicked. There it is, as simple as that. We'll see who will become the four horsemen...

@agony (leader)
@tequila (Co-leader)

Four Horsemen:
@The Host​
One of the nicest groups on here