OG And Semi Bundle *Limited*


Until Sunday

GT: C*l**e
GT: D*c*str*c*

BIN: 280
BTC Only, MM will be used, i can and will pay any fees.

Both on fresh silvers, never recovered.

Trades will be considered.

Nobody likes a scammer.
Damnn called out @assist hahaha shots fired
I would never pay more than $100 for both of these. These tags are cheeks!!
Pretty sure these were both on here a couple days ago.
Lmfao damnnnn get smoked @rifle by @scary whoahh let me get some popcorn
Client said:
Lmfao damnnnn get smoked @rifle by @scary whoahh let me get some popcorn
I am not trying to argue with "OP" I was just stating the truth. Also @rifle I'm pretty sure your the person who scammed @dunk for the Gt Carbine. You need to leave this site and never come back.
Damnn @dunk went first to him or what happened i thought dunk would never get acammed tbh seems pretty smart but it happened thats wild
This is the same user that was banned yesterday by Fear under a different account.
This is user is a scammer ban asap!
Assist said:
This is the same user that was banned yesterday by Fear under a different account.

Noe that was just a stupid post.
Plain and simple @Rifle your selling the gamertag " Calorie " belonged to a different person who was banned.
Carbine was one of the coolest 7 letters I had seen in a while. Of course it gets stolen. :/
Carl Barker said:
Carbine was one of the coolest 7 letters I had seen in a while. Of course it gets stolen. :/

What's really sad is that most of these Gamertags to ever touch the market either get turbo'd by somebody, sold to people that pass them around, and eventually get them banned, or scamming occurs and people lose their money, and GTs.

Sad market :(
@Scary you should of told your friend to call it in, he can easily get the Gamertag swapped off of his main account.