OG Instagrams (3)


Onyx user!
Hint: LLL

Hint: drawing tool and aaaaaaa


Hot places are by this and oooooo
Equator 50-75
Install 60-80
Chalk 30-50
Equator 50-60
Install 55-65
Chalk 25-35
inst*ll - $75
Ch*lk - $25 [this shit is still on the market? aids.]
Equ*tor - $50 could be worth more, I just personally dont like it lol.
Boltage said:
Lol I don't use kik anymore but sorry, they're not worth that much.

They're Instagrams...

Equator - $50
Install - $65
Chalk - $40-50
ALL of these have AIDS, herpes, gonorrhea up the ass, mouth, and vagina/chode . All have had an enormity of owners and just because of that you will limit your selling audience to like a quarter of the people that are actually buying. I would say these are accurate:
Install: 60
Chalk: 20(STDs on OD)
Equator: 45
Give you $20 for chalk, and a trade of my insta "taxes"
Edited, raised to $20 since people trippen out. Not hard to just say no instead of trip out.
instaseller said:
Great to know how respective the staff are.

Kid your either blind or retarded. It's worth more than $10.

You needa chill and settle. Taxes is worth like $15 from what I've gathered, plus the $10. And maybe taxes appealed to him? Never know. Relax a bit.
instaseller said:
He went overboard a little, he could have said straight up prices like @wall but he decides to write a story.

He was telling you straight up that all the accounts you own, especially chalk.. lol i owned that like 4 months ago, have aids. they have been passed around more than a blunt at a reefer party.

Off Topic: way to neg rep me over this.
yo i'll give you $30 for the @chalk

lol lmk if you get a better offer or i'll take it rn
Hope said:
ALL of these have AIDS, herpes, gonorrhea up the ass, mouth, and vagina/chode . All have had an enormity of owners and just because of that you will limit your selling audience to like a quarter of the people that are actually buying. I would say these are accurate:
Install: 60
Chalk: 20(STDs on OD)
Equator: 45
install has only had 3 owners. myself, narc, and this user.

install - 65
chalk - 10
equator - 40
I'd just list them all at 60 each and see where the bids drop.