Wrong my account got merged from before then, alot of my threads got removed due to the merge, I had over 2k posts and alot of rep+awards, I was also Staff.
I was merged around 2 years+ ago, my proof -
I'm know 18 years old, and you'll notice some accounts are still not merged and ex-staff are banned.
I had sticky threads as I was staff proof -
Because this happened Philly was sorry and gave me all upgrades apart from Power+ because it wasn't on here at the time.
Philly has merged alot of forums, example; UziGaming.org, Cybertechforums.com and more that I was a member on, so Stickle(tm) got merged alot (my account)
Also if a staff member would comment on this if they was from UG, they would back me up that my UID, Date, Posts, Rep and awards got reset..
They was also a hacking that took place by a person I would talk to over Skype called "Yashar", he Dox'd philly and things so he had to register the site in a different domain and change everything. the whole database got leaked on ForumKorner in the Sponsor section then got leaked in the Elite section, I know this as I am a Sponsor.