One of my best tags!

-BiiGMoNeY- said:
I may be interested. Im not doing deals through Xbox though. PMs or AIM only

Just talk in the thread, I'll have PM abilities soon.
I'll trade you the youtube "cancer" for this.

AIM: prohockeyplaya92
Skype: mgzhaxorr
Tag has been traded for a sick two letter, please close.
I fixed the proof for you, next time make sure the url ends in .png so the image code works. :)
N.W.A said:
Please just offer away on this gamertag, honestly I have no buyout set. Willing to use middleman/woman unless I decide not to deal with you. I obtained this tag long ago from a friend. It gets very great attention on Xbox. Remember not to lowball, but I do accept trades. This tag is "G6s."

