Onyx Contest!

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I entered for @order so put me in an available spot please. Thanks:)
Entering this for my 3rd time, Want onyx so bad.
Sending koins now!
Goodluck everyone :)
It's only 9am now, how many hours will that be?
Order said:
It's only 9am now, how many hours will that be?

It's 6:35 PM EST now, I'm choosing the winner this instant!

EDIT: The winner is @"hue"! Congratulations man!
Thank you to everyone that entered, I'll be hosting more contests similar to this in the future.
Order said:
Damn, Thanks for the giveaway man.
Congrats hue

Hopefully you'll win next time man, I was expecting you to win with all those entries!
I'll hold another contest like this soon, maybe you'll have better luck then.
@Yosemite Yeah thanks man, I thought I might of had a good chance,
I'll most likely buy onyx this weekend though.
Order said:
@Yosemite Yeah thanks man, I thought I might of had a good chance,
I'll most likely buy onyx this weekend though.

Ahh, alright.
Thank you for entering, and thanks to everyone else that entered!
Good luck in your future endeavours.

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