@Slay is a fatherless fat ugly stupid and shit at cod orphan who gets best every jight by his foster dad because he is a faggot fuck boy.
@old is gay
@gunnar is gay
@slay is gay
you are gay
@rude is too swole
@shock is a fegit
ur gay
@hassam blows shit up
@random is a fucking muffin
@captain *shiver asks chapter to ask captain why captain doesnt like shiver*
>> captain replies "because hes shiver" > laughs.
fuk u captain
@old you are still gay
@"glitter milk" meet me by the swing set and i'll bring the juice boxes.
@crack u kiked me asking for my fk
@rude you are still too swole
@monster u are a monster
@beam cunt you're
@chats cunt you're
@666 you're cunt a
@kyle be my frand
swag bitch gratata