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Vouch for Reptar, done deals with him!
Walter White said:
Very nice instagram, are you taking trades.

Depends, what's the purity percentage of your meth Mr. Heisenburg?
Very original and short Instagram, bound to gain followers. Good luck with sales!
Quite nice, only if I liked instagram :/
I appreciate your opinion. You can cary your argument through out PM if you desire.
Beware said:
I brought this instagram to the market, and it has it's fair share of owners. It is not worth anywhere in the 200's. But good luck with sales I guess.

Thanks for the sales trash.
On another note, if you did in fact bring it to the market, then it has only had 3 owners in total. HMU guys, most IG sold here have had way more. ;)
Reptar said:
Thanks for the sales trash.
On another note, if you did in fact bring it to the market, then it has only had 3 owners in total. HMU guys, most IG sold here have had way more.

Just curious what the IG actually is, I'll shoot you a PM.
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