That intercepttttttttttttt hahahaha. fuck yeh shit was nice.
Jason said:As a Seahawks fan, I firmly believe that they did not in fact throw the Superbowl. They rightfully lost. Sure, the Seahawks have arguably the best running back in the league and many fans believe they made the wrong call, however, Lynch attempted to punch it in from the one yard line five times within the season and succeeded once. Those are not good odds, so who's to say that he would have scored? Even if Lynch ran the ball into the in zone, the Patriots had two timeouts remaining and had time to run two plays, if not three before the clock died down. Giving Tom Brady two plays is lethal. The Seahawks could have scored, but it would not have guaranteed a win.
I still hear about the Seahawks "blowing" the Superbowl, but as fans you should demonstrate good sportsmanship and except the fact that the Patriots grabbed the win. . .literally. If you consider yourself a true Seahawks fan, you should except the loss and leave it in the past and focus on the Seahawks' future. We will see you on the field, next year.