Paying $10 to whoever can unban my account


User is banned.
I am paying whoever can unban my xbox live account. I would be more comfortable if a staff member could do it.
No one can do this at the moment.
And no one would do it for $10
Kev said:
Well Quad might be able to. He has a lot of hidden potential.

No, Quad cant do it.
No one can do it right now.
Well idk about him either cause he never responds. And when he does it's im busy 1 sec
Quad knows alot of shit when it comes to accounts/account security id hit him up and see what he says
Quad cant do it. When he did it for me he would never message me on how far he was on the proccess. And when I would message him he would say, "Oh didnt work". He said he would settle an UA on the account but they send you an email after you do that. But there was no email stating that the UA was placed