Philly's alone. :(

Fireworks said:
Of course the man's going to have 1million alerts. You guys have tagged him in like every posts....

I find it hard to get rid of like 5 alerts, imagine how many Philly must get rid of.

Anway, anyone know the link to the .php file for alerts? (If there even is one) 5 of mine wont go away.

Just go on UserCP man and go to the side and press on alerts in the customize section:) and you ccan delete alerts I've been getting that too lately :p
Thanks, that got rid of the problem.
I'm so late, but I finally read up on all the recent activities. -hugs- @philly
I'm sorry everyone turned out to be crappy friends, even.
The few people I would vote for staff aren't even active anymore :c
Hopefully your next batch doesn't fuck up. Like everyone else, I can offer assistance in my spare time.
(No not asking to be staff, but if you need an update posted or a thread made I can do it etc etc bitch work lol)

I see this happened a bit ago, and so far you seem like you have everyone under control if that means anything ^^