
He had me post this since it keeps getting junked. He admitted to having a multi and scamming, JUST PERM HIM HE WANTS TO BE PERMD.

I just wanted to say bye to everyone, and I truly enjoyed my 2 years here. This was the best forum I had the privilege to be involved in, I just wish it had stayed that way.

Do not get me wrong, I still have a lot of respect for @ Philly and the site, but to me it's going in the wrong direction. It's just not as involved as a community as it should be. It's falling apart.


I don't want to make this too long as there is no point, I'm not going to be coming back. I would have been fine with just accepting the 1 month but after I was put down and disrespected to the limit. It's sad someone I saw as a friend I could count on would do that, but shit happens. I'm hoping the best for the site and that things will change for the better, but that requires a lot of work to be put in and eyes to be opened. I'm hoping that everything I said in my previous thread will be put into play by others as well.


Good luck to you @Raptor maybe you can help Philly out with this and getting the community back up to the level it was.

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Big thanks to @Critical for being one of the [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]chillest people I've ever met, its a shame you're not here still. [/font]

Also, my thanks to the other friends I've made over the years, yes quite a few are banned but, again, shit happens.









@Bomb (because of the last thread)

@Color (for wanting to improve the site)

@ Philly




And many more I'm sure I'm leaving out, just sparing time.


@Raptor some suggestions

Instead of the sales and discounts have some community events or contests. Get donations for prizes, take a percentage and there is your extra money. Or have more events and more people will want to donate to keep them going.






If anyone needs to contact me feel free to Kik me: Copenhagen

I'll check in and keep in contact with anyone that wants to catch up.

There is so much more I'd like to say, but I want this to stay up.

I wish the best to the site and my friends.



Makes the site look bad when you keep junking a goodbye thread.
one said:
At least he will see the sun for the first time in 2 years now

"Nigga you've been here barely a year and have more posts than I did gg, I bet you get outside a lot you fucking hobbit"

rest in piece plague. sucks that you got banned for speaking your mind. shows how good the staff are on this forum.

you will be missed
Reset said:
rest in piece plague. sucks that you got banned for speaking your mind. shows how good the staff are on this forum.

you will be missed

That's what  you get for pointing out flaws and corruption. Kids are just to pussy to do it, so someone has to :p