Post a lie about the user above you.

the person above me does not have the username ellie
Luna has 100 reputation points.
Living is gonna be in Envious forever at this rate.
Escape is amazing at GFX and I've never seen anyone better.
Ĵőšħ is a swag fag ;)
(Saying he is all about swag)
Power dosnt have Power .
Colours is just straight black, and has no colors.
Power’’’’ ’’’’ said:
Colours is just straight black, and has no colors.

Your sig is the most marvelous thing I've ever seen.
Fend said:
Your sig is the most marvelous thing I've ever seen.

Thats not a lie bitch, its true.
Power’’’’ ’’’’ said:
Thats not a lie bitch, its true.

That is a lie, she is fucking ugly people only like her to hop on the band wagon.
MinecraftGeek hates playing Minecraft.
Sanctuary said:
MinecraftGeek hates playing Minecraft.

Sanctuary helped me with that website thing he made that I really really wanted.
Fend said:
Sanctuary helped me with that website thing he made that I really really wanted.

Fend didn't get banned on the same day he posted that, so I was able to contact him.
Pm me, k go!
Sanctuary said:
Fend didn't get banned on the same day he posted that, so I was able to contact him.
Pm me, k go!

Sanctuary contacted my via aim and I appreciated it.

welcome to fk stay active and hq