Post all drugs you have done here.

Tang said:
I really just want to see the FK community on what drugs they have done in there life i have done a lot but mostly pills.
Only drugs I'm on is PUSSY only the clean ones though
As far as non prescribed, weed, lean, nicotine, alcohol (Lol I know at the last 2)
I'm on none. I guess I'm the good noodle.
Cheeto said:
thank you!! Omg theyre dumbasses could get tracked. Smh
#statueoflimitations #itdoesntmatteritsFK #writingsomethingonFKdoesntreallymatter LOL
Cheeto said:
Drugs are stupid. Honestly, they fuck up your life and then one day youll sit on the side of the freeway asking for money wishing you would of had a job & you would of wished you never have done it. Good luck in prison during your 30's. Dumbasses.
youre acting like everyone on this thread is a drug addict, shut the fuck up.

OT: i smoke weed and sip lean, ive tried ecstasy before but it aint fo me.
weed, (boat) by accident if you dont know what boat is its weed laced with formaldehyde or embaliming fluid which is what they put on dead bodies its really addiciting and i almost died on it i had to go to the hospital and they didnt find anything in my system but weed and it made me go into a crazy trip i was floating i couldnt talk or swallow anything like water so i thought i was dieing so when all that shit was done i robbed the guy who sold that shit to me i took his shoes and my money back because that guy deserved to die
eject said:
weed, (boat) by accident if you dont know what boat is its weed laced with formaldehyde or embaliming fluid which is what they put on dead bodies its really addiciting and i almost died on it i had to go to the hospital and they didnt find anything in my system but weed and it made me go into a crazy trip i was floating i couldnt talk or swallow anything like water so i thought i was dieing so when all that shit was done i robbed the guy who sold that shit to me i took his shoes and my money back because that guy deserved to die
Lol, yeah he does deserve to die. Formaldehyde is used to preserve dead bodies m8, what kind of idiot laces weed with it and attempts to sell it.
people do it all the time its fucked up like the kid kept saying its just weed man im like that wasnt weed i smoked weed all the time before i got put on probation and never did that happen it didnt even look like weed it was like yellowish green and really weird the only thing i remember was getting put in the ambulance waking up in the hospital bunch of nurses poking me with needles very roughly they though i was a drug addict cause they know weed doesnt do that to you they thought i was on heroin or meth/crack
I've smoked weed and salvia. I also have an interest in LSD and plan on trying it in the next few weeks.
Here goes... Vicodin, Oxycotin, Lortab, Ambien, Dyphenhydramin, Norco, Tremadol, and probably a few more pills I don't remember. Also shrooms once, and obvi weed countless times.
I was actually expelled my sophomore year for possession and distribution of a stage three controlled substance.
Just marijuana and a little alcohol occasionally. Really have an interest in trying Lean (Codeine cough syrup) but haven't been able to find someone that has it.
Personally the old drug I've done is Weed and to be honest it's not actually something I'm into.
Alprazolam, (Xanax; done with that shit)
Diazepam, (Valium; currently struggling with an addiction)
Marijuana, (quit as I'm sick of chasing up people when the market is dry)

Everyone's had alcohol and/or cigarettes before, I barely drink and I'll have a smoke if I'm offered when I'm with mates.
I smoke dat loud.

Anyways, Mary Jane, Crumble, Hash Pills, Cocaine, Salvia, Acid and Shrooms.

I will never do acid or shrooms again. That is some scary fucking shit when you have a bad trip.

Ive had a blunt dipped in lean as well, but I don't really count that as using lean.