Post here for the "Hitmarker" award!


Active Member
Post here in order to receive this award.

You must first insult @Hitmarker, best 5 insults will be granted the award

This award is being processed by @Philly, and will be implanted once his online.

If @Hitmarker is not tagged in the insult, than you'll be blacklisted! GG


Props to designer: @Ride

worked long and hard on this unlike @hitmarker s dick
Vouch for OP, GLWS. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
I can play Call of Duty with no @"Hitmarker" s
I can play Call of Duty with no @"Hitmarker" s
I can play Call of Duty with no @"Hitmarker" s
@hitmarker is an individual with the likeness that of a baby, in the fact that his scrotum looks like a raisin.
@Hitmarker is the dumbest, ugliest, fattest, srubbish, rubbish, prettiest, smallest, tallest, feistiest, tastiest, nastiest, most unpleasant, most selfish, most obnoxious, most despicable, most pitiful, most dull, most lazy, most unreliable, strangest, uneducated, derogatory, clumsy, horrible, immature, arrogant, eccentric, weirdest, unassertive, most worthless person on this entire forum.

There you go.
I'm guessing that @Hitmarker was born on a highway, that's where most accidents happen.
Much vouch for dis pls can I haves it
@Hitmarker's dad must've been pretty damn clumsy. He made a huge mistake.
Award4Award? I'll grant you mine and you do the same?
@Hitmarker if you ran your groups half as good as you run your mouth then they would be high quality.

@Sinatra where's my awards lol
I'll be reviewing them in a few minutes as I'm currently playing BO2, I'll choose the top 2 and give them my real award "Bang!".
Since I'm feeling generous. :D

@Arrest @JohnnyG If you'd like to give this a try.