Post your gaming setup.

Flare said:
Haha, I know its a weird ass comment but I had to haha
Do you live in the US also?
Philly said:
Your setup is sick, I have sen it before though. Btw, what kind of monitors do you have?

Its just a 22' LED 1080 TV. Got it from wallmart for $170
Cool setup :) I have my xbox so i can sit/lay on my bed and play or watch videos
Josh said:
Its just a 22' LED 1080 TV. Got it from wallmart for $170

I need to get me a couple of similar lcd, or led's along with a nice leather computer chair. I sit on a couch, and have terrible posture along with having a 40in on my wall like 15 feet away. I really need a better setup. lol