Power+ members may now request vacation bans!

This could potentially be used as an awesome break feature. People may abuse this and use it too often so I'd say stick a time on it for when you can use it again after using it the first time via the usercp.

You could also set it so there is a dropdown menu that you can click on and select what time/date you want to return which would show as your unban date.

Then, after the user has selected when they wanted to be banned and they return.. they can't pick to be banned for another 24/48 hours. Just to cool it down.
Jaii said:
This could potentially be used as an awesome break feature. People may abuse this and use it too often so I'd say stick a time on it for when you can use it again after using it the first time via the usercp.

You could also set it so there is a dropdown menu that you can click on and select what time/date you want to return which would show as your unban date.

Then, after the user has selected when they wanted to be banned and they return.. they can't pick to be banned for another 24/48 hours. Just to cool it down.
Yeah that makes sense. Hopefully you guys like this new feature.
I'd like a 1 month ban to kick off this great idea. See u later guys!
lol what a great perk for any 14 year old retards with no self control.
elite said:
I'd like a 1 month ban to kick off this great idea. See u later guys!

bye fam ily good luck out there in the real world.
now people who have autism can control themselves
I wish I can self ban myself off this site for a month but I don't have power + rip
what kinda nerd can't just log out and not log in lol
I think this is a great idea for people that want to go on holidays, they can go away knowing that their accounts are locked and no one can hack and impersonate them @cam .

Its funny how its been represented like an amazing discount ha ha x and the way @paranoid is the first user ha ha :D.

I hope he enjoys his vacation ban LOL
Gor said:
what kinda nerd can't just log out and not log in lol

people who don't know their passwords fam.
Either way @Jaii they can just click off the tab, what's the point in wasting staff's time to ban someone?
Rare said:
Either way @Jaii they can just click off the tab, what's the point in wasting staff's time to ban someone?

that's why they are making it possible to do it from the usercp mate :)