Preferred method of Smoking?


Onyx user!
Hey y’all. Haven’t seen this section active in a while so I figured I’d create this discussion thread.

What is your preferred way to smoke Bud? Why?

I enjoy smoking glass pieces every once and a while and I also enjoy blunts. I mess with real tobacco leafs not that paper they try to pass of as real tobacco. I’d probably pick the blunt as a preferred smoke with the glass coming in second though. Glass is good for tasting your bud and blunts are good for a nice body and head high (depending on strain obviously lol).
I mainly use a bowl as I think you can save more and it gets you just as stoned, when I got some to waste I smoke blunts but I also just picked up a new bong so.
I mainly use a bowl as I think you can save more and it gets you just as stoned, when I got some to waste I smoke blunts but I also just picked up a new bong so.
Gotta agree there, back when I smoked it was always blunts or glass.
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I love joints., but my friends advised me about CBD oil, so I want to give it a shot. Does it make sense? What do you think? Just an attempt to revive this good old thread.
Hey. Personally, I enjoy smoking joints, but I also like trying new things like different glass pieces or even CBD oil. Experimenting is always good. As for some new stuff, check out the best stoner box subscription. They usually include a variety of smoking products, accessories, and strains of maryjane that can expand your smoking experience and help you find your next favorite way of smoking. Hope this thread won't be forgotten. Let's keep it updated. Waiting for your replies.
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Hey there! It's great to see this section active again. Thanks for starting this discussion thread about our preferred ways to smoke bud.
Personally, I enjoy using a vaporizer because it allows me to experience the flavor and effects of the bud without the harshness of smoking. However, I do enjoy smoking from a glass piece every now and then as well.

Blunts are also a popular choice, especially if you're using a real tobacco leaf. I agree that the body and head high can be quite nice, depending on the strain. Have you ever heard of Herb Heaven? It's a great online dispensary with a wide selection of bud and other cannabis products. Just thought I'd mention it in case you're interested!
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I also like smoking from glass pieces sometimes, but I mostly stick to vaping medical cannabis. It's legal and I found it for good Cannabis prices UK. Plus, it's easy on the lungs and gives a nice, clean high. When choosing your method, it's essential to prioritize safety and legality. Also, ensure you're buying from reputable sources to avoid any potential risks.
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