[PROOF] Hacked Creator Of Stealth Logger {Mephobia} for 1.5B

RE: [PROOF + DOX] Hacked creator of stealth logger {Mephobia} for 1.5B :)

Mephobia said:
I told u. I was gonna sell it anyways. Its a fucking game. People like you are just fat kids at home that have nothing better to do btw. Anyways. The program works and is better than fahrenheits. That was the goal. So stop flaming on such a stupid thing to get mad and overact about.

Deal with it you got owned.
This is bullshit. even my 10 year old brother won't compile a program that would fuck him over.
Johnnybenoob said:
This is bullshit. even my 10 year old brother won't compile a program that would f*ck him over.

Well your 10 year old brother must be so smart!
RE: [PROOF + DOX] Hacked creator of stealth logger {Mephobia} for 1.5B :)

Mephobia said:
Idk why u r saying i fucked y customers over. It works perfectly and its not 99.99% of fahrenheights. If u compare the bins they are different. Its based off of it. But i made it so each bin is different. Im in te progress of making each more unique. Zetryio hacked me 180m first. Then he hacks my wholes computer and deletes a bunch of system32 files. Luckily i was able to recover all my files. But seriously. If anyone fucked over anyone, it was you. I didnt f*ck anyone over. Pol have made a lot off my logger. Oh and if you have SL i have updated the download for stealthlogger. So it is no longer backdoored

Go back to hackforums dumb fucking skid. Suck Judge dredd 2 inch cock fag.
I love this thread.
Props to having no vb.net or C# skills.
Or computer skills in general.
lol. So tell me, he just executed it and believed you with the binary keylogger pro.. wtf?

Kid was respected on Hf :p why do this
Wow, I know this thread is old. But that is just out right awesome! Kudos to you my good sir.