PS4, Xbox one, Or Build Gaming PC?


So, I've always been a sony fan, ps1,ps2,ps3. When PS3 Went down for 3 weeks I got pissed at sony for being very unprofessional and made the switch to Xbox 360. I thought the servers were a little better then PS3's. Gaming felt better on the Xbox.

But as far a next gen, Who's buying what? I'm thinking, if I'm buying a console I'm going with an Xbox. But building a Gaming Rig isn't out of the question.

If I go the computer route I'll be spending around 800-1000 on a Gaming Rig.
It really all depends on your personal preference. All my friends have Xbox, so naturally that's a big reason I choose Xbox. I also prefer the online play, the dashboard, and just the whole scheme of things. These are things you should consider when choosing a new gaming path. Which will you get more enjoyment out of?
If you want to play with friends over the internet get an Xbox or PS4. If you plan on having some friends actually come to your house and play split screen get an Xbox, Kinect is really underrated. If you don't want to play with friends and want better specs without caring about how much it costs go for a PC. It all depends on your personality.
I would go with the xbox one because the specs are way bettere than the ps4
Xbox One, I love consoles, and building a PC would cost too much.
Shift said:
I would go with the xbox one because the specs are way bettere than the ps4

They're nearly identical, what are you talking about?
MrU said:
I think I'm going to go with a Gaming rig, In the long run it would be cheaper ;)

Not only that, but if you don't like the way it's currently performing you can always upgrade.

Shift said:
Not really the Xbox 1 has a bigger fan so it stays cooler longer

Oh wow a bigger fan... The important parts are nearly identical with PS4 having faster RAM than the XO. Other than that, they are the SAME.
Shift said:
I would go with the xbox one because the specs are way bettere than the ps4

If you research you'll find that the PS4 has more compute power in terms of GPU, thus giving better graphics capabilities.
since this all depends on you how you are and what your comfortable with i would say to go with the ps4. its better than imo and cheaper.
I'm probably going to have to go with Xbox One, mostly because I'm a diehard Xbox fan.