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Active Member
Never owned a turbo program so don't know anything besides how they work. My question is, they still exist or what? Keep seeing people saying "got turboed" or saying that because they were just slow is all. Other question is, why do the people trying to turbo add you on the silver account? Yes I know to just block them but was curious if they had to add you in order to turbo you, some shit like that.
I don't think discussion about how turbos work is allowed on FK, but yes they are still around.
yeah they are still around, but the common method of turboing is dead now (mainly because they instaban usually and they stop working after a couple times), I heard of some people who have special turboes that constantly refresh the feed page (hence why silvers add a bunch of tag) and as soon as they swap the tag it gets automatically taken by a silver account.
Mmkay, that was very helpful. Thanks @Fedora & @Julian Think it's OK to talk about especially if you wanted to swap. Ain't swapping my tags no longer but just had to ask and see what was the whole silver accounts adding ya thing was about.
Julian said:
I don't think discussion about how turbos work is allowed on FK, but yes they are still around.

Discussion is fine.  Sales are not.
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