[Quests][Mini-Games](Galaxy's Rs Services)[Power-Leveling][Dungeoneering][RSGP Accepted]

It's a secret. We shouldn't give them out because then nobody will purchase or services.
Well, i have theiving bots and if its just the same as mine there's no point in purchasing it really.
Okay, Well have fun then post here if you would like one of our services.
Moron™ said:
how long will it take for you to get void bottoms, gloves and all the helms?

Like they said, around 1-2 days. If you are interested post your order as we can get started right away.
Oxide said:
or PNThieving Guild you even said you were doing it at hieveing guild >..

you should do torsos though :)

Take his advice for auths, and torsos are long and pain in the ass, we will consider once the service gets bigger. Thanks for your advice though.
Currently open for services.
I can do torsos easily, they are just tedious.
Order Form:
Type of account: Pure
Combat levels:
Do you need this done ASAP?~ No
Did you add our Msn's?~ Not yet
Your offer?~ I only have about 10m right now :(, these stats should hopefully lower the cost. :D
Your [email protected]
Any Questions?~ Nope
@[iHydroxity] I have added you on MSN to clear things up.
™Scenery just finish Peter's Order.


We are all available for orders, just post here or PM me if you are interested.
how long will it take for you to do while guthix sleeps?
Currently taking orders!
Order Form
What Quest?~ Itchlarin's Little Helper & Smoking Kills
How much RSGP/PayPal are You Offering?~ The amount required. 5m I think? or 4.5m RSGP
Payment Method?~ RSGP
Did you add our Msn?~ I'm not sure who will be doing my order, but I have Saints & TMscenerys.
Your Msn~ reaper[at]rsbuddy.com -- Please PM me with yours, when you've added me. I decline random invites.
Any Questions?~ Do you also do slayer tasks, to collect points for a slayer helm? :p