Range is so freaking boring.


Onyx user!
Any quests I can do to get my range level up faster? Ones that give a lot of exp?
Botting is the answer to all your problems <3

But seriously I like soul wars so when I legitted I went into SW with a bunch of knives and attacked pures in the middle. And used all the points on range exp
I think I will do SW and spend the points on ranged. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Go to the daggonaths with a cannon and A LOT of cannon balls(I can sell you cannon balls cheap, since ur a RG member). You make good money AND get A LOT of range EXP. Also, bot the range guild, need money for that tho.
eviction how much are you selling cannon balls for ?

on topic dude just bot! or do something that gives a good drop!!!
+ cannON!
No shit it's boring, use red chins or soulwars.
You can bot range guild for 20k xp/hr (That is really bad), but you get no constitution xp and you can make money buy buying rune arrows with your range tickets.