Rapper Tag


Currently have a tag I want to get rid of.

TAG: MF D**M (capped as shown)

Hint: The Metal Faced Villain

Not sure what I can get for this, but I am willing to use a trusted middleman for the deal once the user and I come to an agreement on price.
I'll start this off and bid $50, hope you find someone to buy this that's a sick ass tag
Tag is dope as hell, good luck with the sale. I like it a lot.
Damn this is a pretty nice tag. @1261 would like it.
Thank you, guys. Hopefully someone will take this off of me.
Voices said:
Idk if Jake still has the ig but if he does definitely sell to him

i believe he actually got finessed by his own gf for it.
@Awhile hahahahahaahhaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahh silly Jake
Voices said:
@Awhile hahahahahaahhaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahh silly Jake
she swapped and lost i think LOL
Awhile said:
i believe he actually got finessed by his own gf for it.
At that point I think it'd be alright to choke a bitch out. Kidding
Damn this is a really nice tag, MF Doom is sick haha. Hope you sell this for a good price :)
Ydoomsayer said:
Damn this is a really nice tag, MF Doom is sick haha. Hope you sell this for a good price :)
He is sick indeed. I hope so too, thank you [: