Rate The Avatar Above You!

Mars said:
I've never taken Random seriously. I doubt insults bother Random anymore. I think he stopped caring at around 4000 posts.

it was closer to 5k... but yeah hehe

ot: your avatar isn't that bad 
@Alex+ , your avatar is a 6/10 - because it is not transparent, It would like 10x better if it was.
Alex+ said:
^ 8.23242/10.99999 nice avatar.
Your avatar is a 6/10 - because it is not transparent, It would like 10x better if it was.
666 said:
Your avatar is a 6/10 - because it is not transparent, It would like 10x better if it was.

10/10 for you bb.

The B.I.G Notorious!

s/o: @Beware
Random said:
you skipped me fuccboi. 0/10 that ghost eats dicks.
I didn't mean to skipe you and I am sorry you don't like my ghost :/

9/10 for yours it's creative it is just lacking sweg1.
The ghost is pretty cool. I like how its pixels
BUUUUUUmp i have bumped this constantly for the past 20000 hunda years time to revive it again.

please be serious about my avatar. ;)
I'll vote a pickle. avi matches name not sure what else to say.
I give it a 5/10 just because I don't watch anime and don't know what it is

super kawaii

just kidding but really it's kinda cute so it gets 7
.1/10 I hate muffins, they are horrible