Rate the grammar of the person above you.

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Radical said:
This is a pronoun used to refer to someone/something at the beginning of a sentence. Since, you said user there is no need for a pronoun. Anyways got on aim. Also, that comma is not needed because gives inaccurate ratings isn't a complete sentence.

Well this user above me is a cunt and needs to hmu on aim. also, I was totes correct in using 'this'.

haha, overall I'd put you on for the grammar award as I didn't understand half of what you posted.
Random said:
Well this user above me is a cunt and needs to hmu on aim. also, I was totes correct in using 'this'.

haha, overall I'd put you on for the grammar award as I didn't understand half of what you posted.
Lol I know a lot about grammar, but don't tend to use it. My 7th/8th grade teacher did half the year on grammar, so I just tend to remember it.

Example: Haha! (interjection) Overall, (Adverb I believe) I(subject)'d put (Linking Verb) you (Predicate Noun) on (preposition) for (Preposition) the (article) grammar (adjective) award (preposition noun, forgot what it is called), as (conjunction so you need a comma) I (subject) did(verb) n't (adjective I believe) understand (verb) half (predicate adjective) of (preposition) what (lol forgot) you (pronoun) posted (verb).

Radical said:
Lol I know a lot about grammar, but don't tend to use it. My 7th/8th grade teacher did half the year on grammar, so I just tend to remember it.

Example: Haha! (interjection) Overall, (Adverb I believe) I(subject)'d put (Linking Verb) you (Predicate Noun) on (preposition) for (Preposition) the (article) grammar (adjective) award (preposition noun, forgot what it is called), as (conjunction so you need a comma) I (subject) did(verb) n't (adjective I believe) understand (verb) half (predicate adjective) of (preposition) what (lol forgot) you (pronoun) posted (verb).


You forgot the comma between Lol and I.
Heres how it should go:

"Lol, I know a lot about grammar, but don't tend to use it. My 7th/8th grade teacher did half the year on grammar, so I just tend to remember it."

Rate: 9/10
Also, thanks for the giveaway OP!
You're correct @Sarcasm, he had no mistakes. I also give you a 10/10.
Fanboyyy said:
A tub a da a bu beginning -young thug

I don't even know where to start with your grammar.
Rate: -1/10

Why isnt anyone posting? 500 posts is coming up soon!
Don't like the words you choosed in your sentence. I would give you a 9/10
Regroup said:
Don't like the words you choosed in your sentence. I would give you a 9/10

Sir, I found one mistake in that sentence of yours.
Instead of "choosed" you should have put "chose".
That would have been more proper and correct.
I'm going to give you a 8.5/10.
Madara said:
Sir, I found one mistake in that sentence of yours.
Instead of "choosed" you should have put "chose".
That would have been more proper and correct.
I'm going to give you a 8.5/10.
i didnt find no mistakes i wuld give you 0/10

@azazel 10/10
ℛadical said:
This is a pronoun used to refer to someone/something at the beginning of a sentence. Since, you said user there is no need for a pronoun. Anyways got on aim. Also, that comma is not needed because gives inaccurate ratings isn't a complete sentence.

I find it amusing to read through tryhard posts such as yours.  I'm too lazy to pick this apart for you, as you'd attempted, so I'll just leave it at this; no.  

Firstly, I'd like to start by saying you wrote a short sentence thus increasing your chance of gaining the best possible rating, I don't approve of this therefor it's a 5/10 from me. Nevertheless it was flawless, so I can't debate on that but the reason for my low rating is rationally correct.

Edit; I upped it to 5 from 4, lel.
Let me point out your errors
Misspelled words:
Lel isn't a word
Although altogether I rate you a 10/10 for effort, 8/10 for correct spelling, and 20/10 for Pimp's approval.

Pimp said:
Let me point out your errors
Misspelled words:
Lel isn't a word
Although altogether I rate you a 10/10 for effort, 8/10 for correct spelling, and 20/10 for Pimp's approval.


69/100, bcause you didnt put a preriod after "Let me pointt out your errores"
fuck with me fuck boi.
Pimp said:
I thought Einstein was smart ;-;
I rate you a 10/10 for the correct statement that you just provided me with. Have a blessed day.
My gramar is gooder then yours. ^
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