Rate the grammar of the person above you.

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Y wen ery1 wunt Tu haev gude grmmaer
Chiraq said:
Y wen ery1 wunt Tu haev gude grmmaer

I'll give you a 1/10. Almost spelled one word right. That has to count for something right?
Deathstroke said:
I'll give you a 1/10. Almost spelled one word right. That has to count for something right?
Tenks mi grmar aynt teh Graetist
Chiraq said:
Tenks mi grmar aynt teh Graetist

I honestly thought you were speaking another language at first.
Therefore 0/10.
Astro said:
I honestly thought you were speaking another language at first.
Therefore 0/10.
Thanks I try everyday to have the best graemer
Chiraq said:
Thanks I try everyday to have the best graemer

You need to read the opening post first. You need to rate grammar of above post too and not just troll.

StuffSneak said:
You need to read the opening post first. You need to rate grammar of above post too and not just troll.


I find Chiraqs humor quite amusing, but as for my StuffSneaks grammar rating, I'll say he's a 7/10.
Lie said:
I find Chiraqs humor quite amusing, but as for my StuffSneaks grammar rating, I'll say he's a 7/10.

Well hello there gentleman! For your excellent use of grammar, I rate you 10/10
Cosmos said:
Well hello there gentleman! For your excellent use of grammar, I rate you 10/10

Ah, another Grammar Nazi thread. Well I'll rate you 10 / 10.
Good job.
Trill‌ said:
Ah, another Grammar Nazi thread. Well I'll rate you 10 / 10.
Good job.

God damn I'd say this nigga's grammar is alright. I can talk ignorant, and type good as fuck what you got?
Cocaine said:
God damn I'd say this nigga's grammar is alright. I can talk ignorant, and type good as fuck what you got?

5/10 for you.
Vande mataram! Vande mataram!
Mayne all dees fuh bois aynt wid da squa mayne dey aynt even 3hunna#squaa
Ecstasy said:

Seriously guys, be legit when you post. They have to count for something. Don't just make up a random post to gain post counts.


8/10 because, you happened to use a hash tag for no reason at all. :p
Woke said:
8/10 because, you happened to use a hash tag for no reason at all. :p

, after "because"? 6/10

Some people can only complain against regular users and have only one opinion about them which is they try to increase the post count.
Grow up.
Long sentence, and I'm pretty sure you meant to type "their" instead of "the".
Amp said:
Long sentence, and I'm pretty sure you meant to type "their" instead of "the".

"and" after ,

And no, I didn't mean to type "their". That one is correct.
And why rating decreases if its a long sentence?
StuffSneak said:
"and" after ,

And no, I didn't mean to type "their". That one is correct.
And why rating decreases if its a long sentence?


I don't know what you mean. "Increase the post count". Doesn't sound right to me.
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