Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

Still around doing recoveries/Lobbies. ALways online now with the new servers and bypasses are the best hit me up for mods.
Vouch for my boy Fresh did a recovery for me 100% smooth and legit don't hesitate to deal with him.
what console are you doing these recoveries for? im interested

please forgive my comment lol i just read the title my bad
Stake said:
what console are you doing these recoveries for? im interested

please forgive my comment lol i just read the title my bad

The xbox 360 let me know if you rae still interested.
Faulty said:
I'm interested but is there any chance of ban?

Let me know if you are still intrested, When it comes to modding there is always a chanse but its not high. ALso getting banned from Xbox Live is slim to none.
Now hosting Black Ops 3 Recoveries for anyone who has the game. Yes it is transferable to the Xbox One.
Fresh said:
Now hosting Black Ops 3 Recoveries for anyone who has the game. Yes it is transferable to the Xbox One.

Can't believe you can mod this already, the game isn't even out where I live
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

Devil said:
Can't believe you can mod this already, the game isn't even out where I live

It's not out anywhere yet ;) but yea Already maxed.
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

Now doing Gamertag changing color that sticks.
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

Damn, I wished this was for PS3, glws fam.
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

Triumph said:
Damn, I wished this was for PS3, glws fam.

Thanks, people should get it now while they can.......
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

That's fucking crazy that it sticks. Does the color transfer to XB1 as well?
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouc...

im dumb. (delete this post) ;)
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

Goodluck selling but for anyone buying this shit is dangerous and be aware you will probably get banned if on Xbox One with these type of stats and what not.
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

Harmony said:
That's fucking crazy that it sticks. Does the color transfer to XB1 as well?

I am unsure if it transfers to the one i have not tried it might/
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

One time deal $10 Microsoft Currency code for your choice of 2 games, anything done...
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

Left you a message. Need this done thnx
RE: -BO3- Recoveries & Modded Lobbies, by Fresh [ Open ] [ Xbox 360 ] [ 100 + Vouches ]

Color said:
I'm on, but we have 5 right now.  I'll be on for a bit, though.

Pain said:
Left you a message. Need this done thnx

I dont have a message from you.