[REQ] idungeon

hero iillili

Username: hero iillili
What you're requesting: idungeon auth
Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested:
well i know i dont deserve it because its my first post but i would like to level my dung to 85


User is banned.
Do you have 12m? or $10?
iDungeon is not a auth you can trade you have to buy it or risk your security on a Cracked version
iDungeon is a login that gets checked daily for ip changes so yea

Just go to Rsbuddy and get this one http://scripts.rsbuddy.com/?script=ProDungeon
Thats the only free one that you will get

Or you can go to http://www.shadowscripting.org/forums/ and go to the Free version
but idk its up to you


Steezy said:
If you're looking for "AutoDungeoneering Pro", I can supply you with an auth.

But like Unspoken said, the iDungeon Pro is used with Powerbot. You pay for it, receive an auth you register on their site and then download a pre-compiled .jar.

If I could get the .jar I'm sure I could mess with it and make something out of it (free)... But I'll totally take that autodung pro :D


Onyx user!
hmm i could post the cracked version here for aslong as i use it since then i know its not infected or whatsoever i didnt crack it myself.
if needed i will post it ;)
Suidacra1337 said:
hmm i could post the cracked version here for aslong as i use it since then i know its not infected or whatsoever i didnt crack it myself.
if needed i will post it ;)

Just a forewarning, you are not allowed to post anything that has been cracked.

Trust me, it would have been posted ages ago if you could post cracked programs/bots.

I honestly feel you guys should buy this one legit and to not be such a leacher. This is a very well coded bot and is loved by most for outshining the others. At least come up with the $10 to give to them for coding such a beast of a bot. - Holy shit, I felt like Chewbaka......

And to the OP, as bad as the bot is, I can still provide you with the auth for AutoDungeoneering Pro, but I will not provide you with any information or links on how to get the cracked version of iDungeon Pro =).