Award Needed: Alexa award
Proof of award earned: my username is arianafromfk.
Proof of award earned: my username is arianafromfk.
Living said:I wish someone handed out awards, I've been waiting over a week...
Living said:I wish someone handed out awards, I've been waiting over a week...
Living said:At least when Christy did it, It was everyday....
Beats said:Thank you McLovin. You're the greatest!
Joey said:Award Needed: Hacker
Proof of award earned: Had it/ Look at user "Shot"
Destruction said:Award Needed: Image Korner
Proof of award earned:
Award Needed: Grammar Nazi!
Proof of award earned:
Apple said:Award Needed: Alexa
Proof of award earned: Review is being processed.
Award Needed: Grammar Nazi
Proof of award earned: You can check all my posts.
Celebi said:Alexa Award Proof:
Cult said:Award Needed: Award Name Alexa
Proof of award earned: Link, picture
Sniper said:
Wish said:Award Needed: Donator, Onyx, Power
Proof of award earned:
The Vortex said:
Cord said:Award Needed: Award Name Alexa award
Proof of award earned:
Kendrick Lamar said:Award Needed: Award Name Poster
Proof of award earned: Post Count
Ariana said:Award Needed: Alexa award
Proof of award earned: my username is arianafromfk.
Living said:Award Needed: Alexa award
Proof of award earned: my username is xliving
Boost+ said:
Frost said:Award Needed: Alexa award.
Proof: Username is Frosted.
Kendrick Lamar said:
Corvettes said:Award Needed: Alexa
Proof of award earned:
Alexa username is CorvettesFK
Chad said:Award Needed: Alexa
Proof of award earned: attachment + user = ooh
Reptar said:
Rebirthing said:Award Needed: Alexa Award.
Proof of Award: [My Username is Rebirthdoe].
Thanks. :]
Plasma said:Award Needed: Onyx
Proof of award earned: I'm power and I had Onyx.
Award Needed: Donator
Proof of award earned: Ask Philly.
Award Needed: Master Donator
Proof of award earned: Ask Philly.
Award Needed: 1K Posts
Proof of award earned: I have over 1 posts
Award Needed: Review Forums
Proof of award earned: Profile : Restore/Vorbl/Plasma (Not sure)
Living said:At least when Christy did it, It was everyday....
Optimus said:Chill should be staff, He would be hell active with this shit.
McLovin said:No problem. Glad I could help!
As it says on the awards page that is not being handed out at the moment.
Image Korner has been awarded. Not giving the Grammar Nazi out to anyone else at the moment till I look it over.
I need a username for the Alexa posting and not giving the Grammar Nazi out to anyone else at the moment till I look it over.
Award has been granted!
Award has been granted!
Award has been granted!
Awards have been granted!
Award has been granted!
Award has been granted!
Award has been granted!
I don't seem to see it?
Why are you wanting it as you already have it?
Award has been granted!
I don't seem to see it?
The review has to be for not .net
Award has been granted!
Award has been granted!
Award has been granted!
I don't seem to see your post?
I need a link to the ReviewForums sorry. Rest have been granted though.
I have had no internet to be doing it. Or the the internet I had it was on my phone and tell me how you can award awards to people on a phone. Also next person that suggests a person should be staff will get a warning.