[admin] Requirements to File a Pardon Request

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In order to file a pardon request you must follow the steps listed below
  • Click the Contact us button at the bottom of the page
  • Name: your username
  • Email: the registered email on your account. If you cannot access your registered email, please follow the instructions for filing an Account Recovery.
  • Subject: Request to Post Pardon
  • As for the message body, if you were banned for scamming please mention so. You will be making your case to me, and only me in this email. Please leave your telegram name in the message so I can contact you if needed. If you do not have a telegram account, please make one here.
  • If I decide to give you the go ahead, I will give you instructions on how to post a Public Pardon on the site, in which the community will be given the option to vote you back.
If you want to come back after scamming, you must reimburse the victim, and if your public pardon is accepted, you must pay a $50 unban fee.
You will also be stripped of all of your user upgrades.
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