My Real-Forums Staff Application:
Name: Maximum
Why would I like to be a staff member for Real Forums? Well I would like to be a staff member because it seems like real forums has a great chance to grow into something awesome, and I would really like to help make it to its success and achieve its goals.
Do I have any past experience? Yes, I have tons of past experience, here are some sites that I have been staff on:
- | Moderator | Site Shutdown
- | Moderator | Site Shutdown
- | Moderator | Still Up / I am still a moderator there.
- | Administrator | Site Shutdown
- etc...
What can I offer to Real Forums that others can't? Well thereare few things that I can offer Real Forums that others may not, I can ensure you that you will have the hard work and dedication of a loyal and trusted staff member, I can pay for advertisements on Promotion Communities, and redirect my 4 domains to RF.
Thank you for taking the time to read & review over my application, I am sure that you will take the right steps into choosing your next staff member.