The thread I made the other night about bulking up got me thinking; why not host a contest. Here's what I had in mind.
You guys would take pictures of your progress since you've began working out and attach it to your post while making sure you've included something that allows RG to identify you in the picture. Your username signed on a sheet of paper should do. Feel free to share a workout video as well. Same rules for identifying yourself apply.
I'll keep the contest open for a couple of weeks. Once we get enough pictures/videos, I'll close it and begin a new thread with voting and nominees where you guys can publicize who you think is the fittest member on RG. The concept of fittest will be based off several distinguishable factors that me and other members will establish further into the contest.
While I'd like to offer you something worthwhile to encourage as many users to take part, I don't have much that would seem exciting to compete for. You guys can begin the contest and I'll be taking PM requests for ideas on what to award the winner. You can also PM me if you'd like to be the one to award the winner with his prize. All ideas are valid.
Bottom line, let's get this contest rolling. And remember, RG's rules and policies apply to this contest just as much as they do to any other thread you post on. That being said, I don't want any nude photos. Feel free to remove your shirt but nothing less than boxer shorts must be worn as bottoms. As well, if we have women on RG, as this is a growing community and I have yet to acquaint myself with everyone, you too are welcome to participate.
On your marks, get set... flex!